Hi Friends!
Well, I had all these great plans for inspirational blog topics this morning; but that's all gone right out the window because of this little girl! We have recently decided to start fostering puppies. Unfortunately we're not in the position to keep one just yet - but this way we can help out the local dog rescue and still have some regular 'doggy' interactions. So world, meet foster puppy #2. We think her name is Ash. (Still open to suggestions though!) She is eight weeks old and still very little to be away from her mummy, so she is very dependent on her new family. Currently I'm tiptoeing around trying not to wake her up. So far my morning has consisted of running around trying to get things done whilst entertaining a puppy (she hates being alone and cries mournfully and at great volume when she's shut in her pen). Halfway through the morning I gave up trying to do anything and just submitted to having my toes chewed and my floor peed on. Now she's fast asleep on her hot water bottle so I can sit down, have a cuppa and write to y'all.
Really, all I wanted to do was to remind you to 'play with the puppies' this week - whatever shape of form they come in. Take those moments to have some fun, be mindful, smell a flower, put your feet in the water, play with a child, stand still and feel the breeze on your face, or let a puppy chase you around the back lawn. These are the moments when we feel the most connected to life; and whatever noise is going on in our heads gets a little quieter. Keep an eye out for these little 'gifts' throughout your day - and your day will seem a little brighter!
Have a fantastic week everyone!
Lexi x